There are two command-line text editors in Linux®: vim and nano. You can use one of these two available options should you ever need to write a script, edit ...
Make a copy of the file you want to edit. Then do cat file , followed by cat >file and arrange the parts with cut+paste and/or typing, finish with ctrl-d.
Open the terminal. · Type ` nano filename.txt ` and press Enter. · Edit the text file as needed. · To save the file, press ` Ctrl + O ` , then ... Using Command-Line Text... · Nano · Emacs · Using Graphical Text Editors
In this tutorial we'll cover how to open, edit, move, and copy a file within Linux using the terminal window and a few basic commands. How to Open a File in Linux · How to Edit a File in Linux · Nano Editor
At the command line, you type vi <filename> to create a new file, or to edit an existing one. $ vi filename.txt. Vi edit modes. The Vi editor ...